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Expiring or Expired Australian Visa needs an attention – VisaHelpAu

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Here are some information:

Note for visa expired applicants

If your visa expired recently and if you got missed to apply for a visa, your onshore new application will say something like this on a photo-note if you managed to apply within 28 days of your visa expired date. Regardless, you are given a 28 days time to reapply for the visa and have the new application considered. However, the process won’t be less rigorous than regular applications. Generally, visa expires from the midnight of your visa expiry date. However, it is important to see what is implied on yours. Compared to generally processed applications, you are highly unlikely to get a bridging visa instantly or the one auto generated by Australian Immigration System. Your application will be personally assessed by a case officer to grant you a bridging visa. This could take few days or even more depending on your case. Your application to new visa within 28 days will allow you to live lawfully in Australia, however your restrictions and accessibility to many things becomes difficult. (For example: loosing a shift on your job cause of VISA-NOT-PROVIDED reason) Crossing the 28-days grace period will automatically make you an unlawful international resident in Australia. In this case, you have to apply for a temporary visa that will allow you few days to prepare for an exit from Australia. New Visa Grant of your application is possible but not guaranteed as it depends on applicant’s case.

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